Hello, my name is Tyler and I am a hobbyist programmer seeking employment as a videogame programmer. I'm just released a prototype called Tales of Legindrea to showcase my knowledge of the Unity game engine. Its free to play if you want to check it out.
In addition, I also make music in my free time. You can find my music on SoundCloud. - https://soundcloud.com/tyler-anderson-828330033
You can also find my music and video demonstrations of my projects on YouTube: - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjeSTlNxHWvlsARLEZjp_TQ
Lastly, you can download and view the technical aspects of these projects on GitHub: - https://github.com/tyler23456
Feel free to join me on some of my other social media accounts:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/YuleGenesis
Linked In - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tyler-anderson-2b4890210/